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How to Stop an English Bulldog from Biting


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It is natural to think about the cute, cuddly puppy that will instantly become your best friend as soon as you get one. Often, people overlook the destructive puppy stage and the endless biting and nipping.

Even though Bulldogs are extremely popular, they somehow came to be regarded as aggressive dogs with the potential to bite and attack people.

Bulldogs tend to have an angry look to them, with their eyes slanted into angry stares and their powerful jawlines sending a strong message to anyone who might cross them.

The truth is, bulldogs are naturally the opposite of the mean and aggressive dogs that they are made out to be. 

When it comes to bulldogs, owners know they are loyal, devoted, affectionate, and kind. All dogs bite, but their jaws are extremely powerful and can lock tightly on a person causing serious injury.

Bulldogs bite for a variety of reasons, and there are steps you can take to prevent this from occurring.

Why Bulldogs Bite

The teething pain of bulldog puppies causes all of them to bite when they are puppies. However, bulldogs eventually outgrow this phase. If a bulldog does not stop biting by the age of 12 months, this typically indicates a lack of training or signs of owner jealousy or protection.

Some of the Bulldog's most admirable characteristics can lead to adult biting behaviour. Especially strong bonds are formed between bulldogs and children, and they are fiercely loyal to them.

Bulldogs may become aggressive in defence of their owners when they perceive they are being threatened or at risk by someone, another dog, or an animal. Like all dogs, bulldogs can become aggressive when provoked.

They are not aggressive by nature. While Bulldogs are not necessarily aggressive when presented with threats, if a dog is improperly socialized, there is a good chance that he may react strongly if he perceives a threat to his well-being.

It is much more likely that a Bulldog will bite as an adult if he has been improperly socialized. Bulldogs tend to be wary of strangers and strange dogs, even though they are gentle and calm with their owners.

Your young Bulldog will feel safe and secure around strangers if he meets a good dog trainer. Bulldogs that are mistreated by their owners are more prone to biting.

Bulldogs become defensive and increasingly aggressive when they are aggressively treated by their owners. 

You can report a Bulldog and its owner to the local SPCA if you witness abuse or suspect it is being abused in your area. Dog owners, dog owners' dogs, and community members are protected by these organizations. 

How to Stop an English Bulldog from Biting

1. Stop the habit while they are young

You can prevent your English bulldog from biting by curbing this behaviour as early as possible. Even though bites and snaps might seem cute at the beginning, you need to stop this behaviour as soon as possible to prevent it from becoming a bad habit. 

2. Get up and walk away 

Like children, bulldogs can be attention-seekers. Occasionally, just walking away from them and not paying them attention can be very effective. You will soon learn that if you walk away, they will no longer engage in that behaviour.

3. Socialize your dog

The reason that English bulldogs bite is that they are unfamiliar with the person or dog they are snapping at. Therefore, you should begin introducing your bulldog to other people, children, and animals at an early age to reduce anxiety.

They will be more likely to recognize threats if they are socialized with other dogs and people. The first step should be to establish familiarity with close family and friends.

4. Go limp and show pain when you get bitten

By squealing when the bite is too strong, mama dogs and puppies prevent each other from biting. It is now up to you to do the same thing. Do not tense up your hand when your puppy bites. Let it go limp, then scream.

It is done to let the puppy know that you are not playing, and the squeal signifies pain. It may require several repetitions before the puppy understands, but do not overuse the method because it will not work. Do not allow the bite to get worse by playing through it. If you do so, the negative behaviour will be reinforced.

5. Don't show aggression

Do not be aggressive or violent towards your English bulldog puppy if you see him biting or growling during training. During training, do not even attempt to give him physical punishment.

It will result in him becoming defensive and aggressive in the future. While training your puppy, you should keep these small details in mind. Remember to always praise your dog when he behaves well.  

6. Use toys

If your English bulldog puppy is nipping or pulling at your clothes, give him or her chew toy to chew on. Simply walk away if this behaviour persists. 

Continue playing with the puppy if it only bites at the toy if you are playing with it. In any case, walk away and don't interact if the animal starts biting you as well. You'll teach your puppy that it only needs to bite appropriate objects.

You have just begun your task once you have found the best toys for your puppy. After your puppy has chewed on all the new toys, you should take the time to inspect each one carefully. You will notice that the toys will become worn with time.

If you want to give your puppy a chew toy, you must get one of the right sizes. Choose a toy that is large enough for your pup, but not too small or too soft. This will quickly become a hazard to him.

7. Provide a reward for good behaviour

Puppies with non-biting behaviours should be rewarded. Treat or praise your puppy when it stops biting during situations in which it used to. Additionally, reward your puppy when it plays calmly and doesn't bite.

8. Observe body language

To be able to anticipate a dog's behaviours and recognize when he or she will act out, it is important to understand their body language.

When a dog is frightened or unhappy due to someone invading its territory, there is a greater chance that it will bite. Be aware of the dog's body language. Check for signs such as:

  • Dropped head

  • Exposed teeth

  • Flat ears 

  • Growling

Your English bulldog is not comfortable and is afraid if it exhibits these behaviours. When you notice these signs, it is best to separate your dog from strangers, human and otherwise. You can also comfort them by speaking sweetly to them and trying to ease their fears.

How to Teach Your English bulldog to Stop Biting?

Your adult English bulldog needs to be disciplined the same way you would a puppy.

Whenever your English bulldog bites, say with a stern but low voice, “No!” or “Don't bite” ensure your dog knows it hurts.

If this does not work, then simply walk away. If you want your bulldog to be disciplined, you need to leave him alone. By doing this, your dog will realize that you do not like being bitten.

Despite this, if your dog persists in biting or nipping, you can seek professional assistance.

Last but not least, do not try to put your English bulldog in situations in which he is uncomfortable or which will provoke him. Keep your dog away from other dogs if you know he doesn't like them. You should not put your adult English bulldog in situations that will aggravate him.

If your bulldog bites you, you can spray something with a bitter taste into their mouth. People have used lemon juice to teach dogs a negative consequence for biting, but lemon juice can cause upset stomachs and diarrhoea in dogs, so find another bitter flavour that is safe for dogs. Bulldogs are safe to consume plain cranberry juice in moderation, but unsweetened cranberry juice won't taste too appealing to them.

Additional Solutions and Considerations 

Bulldogs are known for their biting ability, which was considered to be their most desirable trait in the past. Bulldogs were originally used as bait dogs for bulls. Bulldogs bite down from underneath a bull's body and lock their jaws to prevent it from escaping.

In those days, they were aggressive, violent, and wild breeds of dogs. The Bulldog nearly became extinct when bull-baiting was outlawed.

Over several generations, Bulldog trainers and breeders removed the Bulldog's aggressive traits and cultivated a gentle temperament to prevent its extinction. Because they succeeded, today's gentle and loving Bulldogs can be enjoyed by everyone.


Your English bulldog puppy may bite from time to time. It is possible to help your puppy grow out of his habit of biting if you train him appropriately and act appropriately around him. It may take a while, however, to train your adult English bulldog. Despite the difficulty involved in training a full-grown English bulldog, it is not impossible.

As a result, it is necessary to be patient and provide trust and love to build this new behaviour. Hard work and perseverance will help a great deal. You will certainly see results and all your efforts will result in a very loving and loyal companion for life.


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