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Tips & tricks for looking after a bulldogs eyes


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Bulldogs are known to suffer from eye and eyelid problems. However, with proper eye care and regular checks, you can help minimise risk and problems with your bulldogs eyes - that's why it's key to ensure that you are always looking after your bulldogs eyes.

Common eye problems that bulldogs suffer from

There are a few common eye problems that bulldog breeds suffer from, these include:

  • Entropion: Entropion is a condition where your bulldogs eyelids will roll inwards. The rolled in eyelids will lead to your dogs eye lashes rubbing on it's cornea - which can be extremely uncomfortable and painful for your dog.

  • Cherry Eye: Your bulldog has three eyelids. One at the top of the eye, one at the bottom and the third is a passive one that is designed to help protect the cornea of the eye. This third eyelid can prolapse which causes a cherry like bulge from your bulldogs eye.

  • Ectopic Cilia: This condition arises when one to several hairs grow abnormally, usually in the upper eyelid, and come into contact with the cornea.

Why do bulldogs suffer from eye boogers?

Eye boogers are common in all dogs, however from my experience I have noticed that my bulldogs always seem to suffer from eye boogers more than my other dog breeds.

Eye boogers are caused by discharge such as tears that dry up and then get mixed with dirt or dust found in the air. Dogs that have short snouts and large round eyes are more more likely to have eye boogers compared to other dog breeds.

If you notice that your bulldogs eye boogers are worse than usual, then this could potentially be due too:

  • Allergies

  • Conjunctivitis

  • Dust & Dirt

  • Soap & Shampoo

How to clean a bulldogs eye boogers

Cleaning eye boogers from your bulldogs eyes is simple. Simply gently wipe the eyes with a damp cloth and then dry once complete. Never use soap, shampoo or disinfectant as this may irritate your dogs eyes and lead to further complications.

Tips & tricks for looking after a bulldogs eyes

Clean your bulldogs eyes regularly

Wash your bulldog's eye weekly. Clean its eyes with sterile eyewash and eye wipes to keep them free of mucous and prevent tear stains.

Clean your dogs tear stains

Tear stains can be just as troublesome for dark-haired dogs as for light-haired dogs; you just can't see them as well. If you have a lot of tears in your eyes, it's very uncomfortable. In some dogs, that gunk can stain.

Pasting eye makeup over the stains or applying human creams to bleach them can do more harm than good. Any process that merely covers them doesn't remove them.

It is impossible to wash away eye stains with soap and water because they are caused by bacteria.

For more information on tear stains, read our in-depth guide on cleaning tear stains.

Keep an eye out for signs of allergies

Look for signs of allergies, which can be indicated by runny eyes and excessive eye boogers. Bulldogs frequently suffers allergies from direct contact with an allergen, food, fleas or airborne irritants. See your veterinarian to determine the cause and a proper course of treatment.

Watch out for cherry eye

Cherry eye commonly occurs in puppies when a tear gland bulges out, looking like a red cherry. However, it can occur in dogs of any age from allergies or eye trauma, as well. When caught early, it can usually be massaged back into place with an eye lubricant. Untreated, it becomes swollen and infected and may need surgical intervention.

Examine your bulldogs eyes daily

Examine your bulldog's eyes in the morning for "dry eye," which occurs when the eyes are not producing enough tears. A green discharge is usually present, and a hazy blue film can appear on the eyeball. Your veterinarian can perform a simple blotting test to verify the problem, and he might prescribe artificial tears to apply daily.

Speak to a vet about anything out of the ordinary

Ask your veterinarian to look at any unusual marks on your English bulldog's cornea. While a blue haze can indicate dry eyes, it can also indicate an ulcerated cornea from a continued irritation. Untreated, your dog could become blind and even lose his eye.


Follow our tips & tricks for looking after bulldogs eyes to help prevent complications and ensure you maintain your dogs eye health.

Failure to look after your bulldogs eyes can result in various complications and infections that can be extremely uncomfortable for your dog.



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Disclaimer: Information on this website should not be considered professional advice. The content published on this website is for informational purposes only based on the author’s experience and research. Please always consult with a licensed veterinarian for pet medical ad

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